15 Kasım 2013 Cuma

Quotes About Life (Move On Quotes) 0005

Quotes About Life (Move On Quotes) 0005

“Every moment of light and dark is a miracle.” 
Walt Whitman

“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to a new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom. Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same.” 
Flavia Weedn

“That's what you want to do? Then nothing beats a trial but a failure. Give it everything you've got. I've told you many times, 'Cant do is like Dont Care.' Neither of them have a home.” 
Maya Angelou

Quotes About Life (Move On Quotes)

Below are some Quotes About Life (Move On Quotes), hopefully it can be your inspiration.

Quotes About Life (Move On Quotes) 0005 1

Quotes About Life (Move On Quotes) 0005 2

Quotes About Life (Move On Quotes) 0005 3

Quotes About Life (Move On Quotes) 0005 4

Quotes About Life (Move On Quotes) 0005 5

Quotes About Life (Move On Quotes) 0005 6

Quotes About Life (Move On Quotes) 0005 7

Quotes About Life (Move On Quotes) 0005 8

Quotes About Life (Move On Quotes) 0005 9

Quotes About Life (Move On Quotes) 0005 10

Feel free to share, if you think some Quotes About Life (Move On Quotes) above inspired you.
Thanks :)

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